What is the library timing?

Monday - Friday: 09:15AM - 6:00AM following day Weekends and other holidays: 10:00 AM - 6:00 AM the following day

How shall I know about my Library Dues ?

From the Library Catalogue, you can log in to your account.
ID- Your Reg No. Password – same
Drop one mail to : users-assistance@iimcal.ac.in mentioning your Name and Reg No.

How shall I get an article?

 Please type the tile/keywords in the EDS search box

How shall I get a Library Membership ?

Write a mail to users-assistance@iimcal.ac.in

How to find the library catalogue?

1. Go to the Library website homepage.
2. Click on "OPAC" on the menu bar.

How to get remote access?

1. Sent mail to the librarian (librarian@iimcal.ac.in) for remote access user name and password.
2. Librarian will provide you remote access user name and password.
3. Go to "https://iimcal.remotexs.in/user/login" and put your user name and password and login.

I am an external user; how can I get library access?

Write a mail to Librarian (librarian@iimcal.ac.in)
Further information will be shared through mail.

How can I send the requisition of books?

Only Faculty can give requisition of books.
To give book requisition: Go to Service menu > Click on Book Requisition > Fill the form and Submit.

What are the plagiarism detection systems used in the library?

To create account mail to libarian (ict_library@iimcal.ac.in)
Turnitin (feedback studio/originality), DrillBit