Users’ Assistance Desk
Books Check-out and Check-in: Generally, check-out and check-in are done through self-check-out Kiosk and Book dropdown system.
In case of Library Patron card validity is not as according to the system regards, that time check-out is done through the staff’s individual login. During summer issues, it’s required to adjust the due date, that time also, it’s required to check-out through staff individual login.
Self-check-out Kiosk and Book dropdown system: It is required to check regularly that the internet connection is there. Sometimes due to electric problems/power supply cuts, it is required to check or connect to the internet to run the check-out book dropdown normally.
Library Membership: Library membership for PGP/MBA, PGDBA, PGPEX, PGPEX-VLM and etc., students is generally done as a bulk record entry in Virtua software. For that, it requires two different types of files and has to upload in VTLS. Individual entry of members is also possible. For External Members: Library membership for external members is done on payment of 2000/- annual membership fees and Registration Charges of 25/- for one time.
For Corporate Membership: Library membership for Institutions/organizations is done on payment of Rs. 3000/- as registration charges and 7000/- for annual membership fees and can take a maximum of 5 Books to borrow against a refundable deposit of Rs. 5000/- per book.
For Temporary Membership: One day, two days access to the Library is allowed in this category through permission of the decision-making authority. The only access to e-resources is allowed here, and no book lending facility